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Konstantin III

Aus Rodovid DE

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Sippe (bei der Geburt) Cunedda
Geschlecht männlich
Gesamter Name (bei der Geburt) Konstantin III

Edern map Padarn ? (Eternus) [?]

Edern map Padarn ? (Eternus) [?] b. 340

Wiki-page wikipedia:de:Konstantin III. (Rom)


Geburt eines Kindes: Dogfael ap Cunedda [Cunedda]

Geburt eines Kindes: Osfael ap Cunedda [Cunedda]

Geburt eines Kindes: w Afloyg ap Cunedda [Cunedda]

Geburt eines Kindes: Dunaut ap Cunedda [Cunedda]

Geburt eines Kindes: Rhufon ap Cunedda [Cunedda]

Geburt eines Kindes: Tybion ap Cunedda ? (L'aîné) [Cunedda]

Geburt eines Kindes: Edern ap Cunedda ? (ou Edeyrn) [Cunedda]

Geburt eines Kindes: w Eniaun Girt map Cuneda [Cunedda]

~ 420 Geburt eines Kindes: w Ceredig ap Cunedda [Cunedda] b. ~ 420


Constantine III also known as Constantine II of Britain and is sometimes confused with his son Constans II.

Constantine (Ceneu) was the son in law (Not Son) of Coel Hen. The Welsh genealogies often do not differentiate between Sons, Grandsons, and Sons in Law, more often than not omitting the female connection but on occassion mentioning the connection but not differentiating between genders, and in some instances follow Gothic tradition of skipping generations altogether. The lineages can be reconstructed through careful comparison to other related lineages.

[| Constantine (Cunedda Wledig)]

Jesus College Lineage 20

Ouen map Higuel map catell map Rotri map mermin map etthil merch cinnan map rotri map Iutguaul map Catgualart map Catgollaun map Catman map Iacob map Beli map Run map Mailcun map Catgolaun Iauhir map Eniaun girt map Cuneda map Ætern map Patern pesrut map Tacit map Cein map Guorcein map doli map Guordoli map dumn map Gurdumn map Amguoloyt map Anguerit map Oumun map dubun map Brithguein map Eugein map Aballac map Amalach, qui fuit beli magni filius et Anna mater eius quam dicunt esse consobrina mariæ uirginis matris d’ni n’ri ih’u xp’i.

Cuneda m Edern m Padarn beisrud m tegyth m Iago m genedawc m Cein m Gorein m Doli m Gwrdoli m Dwfyn m Gordofyn m Auallach m Amalech m Beli m Anna val y dewetpwyt vchot. (Jesus College MS 20-6)

Rodri m Meruyn m Ethellt merch Cynan tintaethwy m Rodri molynac m Idwal Irch m Kadwaladyr vendigeit m Katwalla6n m Kadwgawn m Iago m Beli m Run hir m Maelgun gwyned m Kadwallawn llawhir m Einyawn yrth m Kuneda wledic. (Jesus College MS 20-22)

Rodri m Meruyn m Ethellt merch Cynan tintaeth6y m Rodri mol6yna6c m Idwal I6rch m Kadwaladyr vendigeit m Katwalla6n m Kad6ga6n m Iago m Beli m Run hir m Maelg6n g6yned m Kadwalla6n lla6hir m Einya6n yrth m Kuneda wledic. (Jesus College MS 20-42)

[H]ec sunt nomina filiorum Cuneda quorum numerus erat ix: Typipaun primogenitus qui mortuus in regione que uocatur Manau Guodotin et non uenit huc cum patre suo et cum fratribus suis pre[dictis]. Meriaun filius eius diuisit possessiones inter fratres suos: ii Osmail, iii Rumaun, iiii Dunaut, v Ceretic, vi Abloyc, vii Enniaun girt, viii Docmail, ix Etern. (

Dieser Datensatz muss gelöscht werden. Grund: Mix 3 identities;Cuneda map Ætern (son of Ætern), Constantine_III (son of Constantine) and an Arthurian fictional caracter .

Von Großeltern zu Enkelkinder

== 3 ==
Cuneda map Ætern
Titel : 450 - 460, Ruler of the Welsh kingdom of Gwynedd
== 3 ==
Eniaun Girt map Cuneda
Titel : 470 - 480, Ruler of the Welsh kingdom of Gwynedd
Ceredig ap Cunedda
Geburt: ~ 420
Titel : roi de Ceredigion
Edern ap Cunedda ? (ou Edeyrn)
Titel : roi de Edeirnion
Rhufon ap Cunedda
Titel : roi de Rhufoniog
Dunaut ap Cunedda
Titel : roi de Dunoding
Dogfael ap Cunedda
Titel : roi de Dogfeiling
Osfael ap Cunedda
Titel : roi d'Osmaeliog
Afloyg ap Cunedda
Titel : roi d'Afflogion
Catgolaun map Eniaun ? (Iauhir)
Titel : 500 - 534, Ruler of the Welsh kingdom of Gwynedd
Owain ap Einon ? (Ddantweyn)
Titel : Ruler of the Welsh kingdom of Rhos
Titel : 490 situ., Ruler of the Welsh kingdom of Gwynedd
Iusay ? (Usai)
Titel : roi de Ceredigion
Titel : roi de Ceredigion
Meirion ? (Marianus)
Titel : roi de Meirionydd

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