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Ruben b. ~ 1025 d. 1095

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Gesamter Name (bei der Geburt) Ruben
Andere Namen Rupen, Roupen
Wiki-page wikipedia:de:Ruben (Armenien)


~ 1025 Geburt:

Geburt eines Kindes: w Konstantin I [Rubeniden] d. 23 Februar 1103

1095 Tod: Kormogolo

[bearbeiten] Quellen

  1. Ghazarian, Jacob G. The Armenian Kingdom in Cilicia during the Crusades: The Integration of Cilician Armenians with the Latins (1080–1093). - Roupenians were the descendant of the Bagratids, and Roupen was a relative of the last Bagratid king, Gagik II
  2. Kirakos Gandzaketsi (1996). "History of the Armenians". Armenian Historical Sources of the 5–15th Centuries: Selected Works. Robert Bedrosian’s Homepage. Retrieved 2009-07-07. - Kirakos Gandzaketsi speaks of the Roupenians as ‘the sons and descendants of Gagik Artsruni’....Armenian chronicler, Vahram, a personal secretary of King Levon II refers to Roupen as ‘a famous chief of the blood royal, Rouben by name’

Von Großeltern zu Enkelkinder

== 1 ==
Geburt: ~ 1025
Tod: 1095, Kormogolo
== 1 ==
Konstantin I
Tod: 23 Februar 1103, Vahka, Feke, Türkei
Leo (Lyewon) ? (of Armenia, Ashtahag)
Titel : четвёртый Властелин Киликийской Армении или «Властелин Гор»
Tod: 14 Februar 1140

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