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Thomas Solomon Muscheon (Mustain) b. 1713 d. 21 November 1791

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Sippe (bei der Geburt) Mustain
Geschlecht männlich
Gesamter Name (bei der Geburt) Thomas Solomon Muscheon (Mustain)

Sarah Ann Jones [Jones] b. < 1705 d. 1750

Thomas Muscheon (Moustain) [Mustain] b. 1683 d. 1748

Wiki-page Thomas Solomon Muscheon (Mustain) b. 1713 d. 21 November 1791


1713 Geburt: Halifax (North Carolina)

1713 Taufe: Trinity Parish, NY

1730 Geburt eines Kindes: Henrico (Virginia), Thomas Avery Muscheon (Mustain) (The Musteen) [Mustaine] b. 1730 d. 21 November 1791

1735 Geburt eines Kindes: Virginia, Jesse Muscheon (The Musteen) [Mustain] b. 1735 d. 16 Juli 1794

1740 Wohnort : Saint Thomas (Barbados)

1741 Geburt eines Kindes: Sarah Sally Mustain [Mustain] b. 1741

1752 Geburt eines Kindes: Pittsylvania County (Virginia), USA, Rebecca Mustain [Mustain] b. 1752

1765 Geburt eines Kindes: Pittsylvania County (Virginia), USA, Molly Mustain [Mustain] b. 1765

21 November 1791 Tod: Charles City, Henrico, VA


See also


  1. Huguenot Society of South Carolina vol.71 - This chart is based on “Family Record”, from the Huguenot Society of South Carolina, Vol. 71, 1966, pps 102-109. Sent in by William Swinton McLeod Jnr of Fresno, California. This information was updated by Mary Eugenia (Powers) Anderson. Drafted c1993, updated September 2003
  2. Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly Vol23, #1, 9 - Thomas and sons Avery and Jesse Mustain recorded as swearing Oath of Allegiance.(1777) -
  3. March 18, 1782...Pittsylvania Co., VA Court of Claims, page 39 - Thomas Mustain was too old for military service in the Revolutionary War but proof of his civil service to the cause, acceptable for D. A. R.membership is as follows...Thomas Musten for 1 smooth Bore Gun impressed for the use of the Militia on their march to join General Green. 1 pound, 12 shillings, 6pence. Nov. 10, 1783, Thomas Mustain furnished 1 gun for the Southward Expedition.
  4. -
  5. - location of history Trinity Church (Trinity Parish) Manhattan NY.
  6. - Location of Charles City, Henrico, Virginia

Von Großeltern zu Enkelkinder

Richard Jones
Geburt: 1666, Isle of Wight (Virginia)
Tod: 1721, Isle of Wight (Virginia)
Sary Misson (Legare)
Geburt: < 1680
Gerrard Mustin
Geburt: 1675, Maryland
Tod: King George (Virginia)
Thomas Muscheon (Muston)
Geburt: > 1673, Maryland?
Wohnort : Charles City, Henrico, Virginia
Mary Averleigh Jones
Geburt: 1708, Île Sainte-Marie, Madagascar
Geburt: 1739, Roxbury Township (New Jersey)
Hochzeit: Moses Ayers
Sarah Ann Jones
Geburt: < 1705, Isle of Wight (Virginia)
Hochzeit: Thomas Muscheon (Moustain)
Tod: 1750, Edgecombe County (North Carolina)
Mary Legare (Muscheon)
Geburt: 1697, Henrico (Virginia)
Hochzeit: Timothy Belleme
Thomas Muscheon (Moustain)
Geburt: 1683, Isle of Wight, Virginia
Hochzeit: Sarah Ann Jones
Tod: 1748, Isle of Wight, Virginia
== 3 ==
Arthur (Matthews) Bell
Geburt: 1718, Isle of Wight County (Virginia)
Tod: 1775, Halifax County (North Carolina)
Thomas Solomon Muscheon (Mustain)
Geburt: 1713, Halifax (North Carolina)
Taufe: 1713, Trinity Parish, NY
Wohnort : 1740, Saint Thomas (Barbados)
Tod: 21 November 1791, Charles City, Henrico, VA
== 3 ==
Mary Haley
Geburt: 1722, Pittsylvania County (Virginia)
Tod: 1791, Pittsylvania County (Virginia)
Thomas Avery Muscheon (Mustain) (The Musteen)
Geburt: 1730, Henrico (Virginia)
Tod: 21 November 1791, Pittsylvania County (Virginia)
Jennie Bevier
Geburt: 1756, Pittsylvania County (Virginia)
Tod: 1792, Pittsylvania County (Virginia)
Jesse Muscheon (The Musteen)
Geburt: 1735, Virginia
Tod: 16 Juli 1794, Gretna (Virginia), United States
Rebecca Mustain
Geburt: 1752, Pittsylvania County (Virginia), USA
Geburt: 1791
Hochzeit: William Gosney
Littleberry Patterson
Geburt: 1729, Pittsylvania County (Virginia), United States
Geburt: 1795, Pittsylvania County (Virginia), United States
Hochzeit: Molly Mustain
Molly Mustain
Geburt: 1765, Pittsylvania County (Virginia), USA
Geburt: 1791
Hochzeit: Littleberry Patterson
Mary Barber Shelton
Geburt: 29 Dezember 1765, Pittsylvania County (Virginia), USA
Hochzeit: Avery Solomon Mustain
Tod: 1843, Pittsylvania County (Virginia), USA
Avery Solomon Mustain
Geburt: 26 Februar 1756, Pittsylvania County (Virginia), USA, Camden Parish
Anderes Ereignis: Danville, Revolutionary Soldier
Hochzeit: Mary Barber Shelton
Tod: 31 August 1833, Pittsylvania County (Virginia), USA, Camden Parish
Bestattung: Near Danville, Danville Register
Tabitha Mustain
Geburt: 1758, Pittsylvania County (Virginia), USA
Hochzeit: James ? Bruce
Tod: 1820
William Buckner
Geburt: 1738, Gloucester County (Virginia)
Hochzeit: Mary Anne Mustain
Tod: April 1822, Green County (Kentucky)
Mary Anne Mustain
Geburt: 1745, Brunswick County (Virginia)
Hochzeit: William Buckner
Tod: 1817, Green County (Kentucky), United States
Thomas Mustain (Thoomas Mostuun/Mastin)
Geburt: ~ 1754, Pittsylvania County (Virginia), The Heir of Thomas Mustain (Pittsylvania)
Beruf : Longhunter
Jesse Keesee
Geburt: 1750, King George (Virginia)
Hochzeit: Millicent Mustain
Tod: 1829, Pittsylvania County (Virginia), United States
Millicent Mustain
Geburt: 1750, Pittsylvania County (Virginia), United States
Hochzeit: Jesse Keesee
Hochzeit: Jesse Keesee

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