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Lillian Ruth Blakemore (Ralston) b. 25 Mai 1922

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Sippe (bei der Geburt) Blakemore
Geschlecht weiblich
Gesamter Name (bei der Geburt) Lillian Ruth Blakemore
Andere Familiennamen Ralston

Frank Blakemore [Blakemore] b. 8 September 1895 d. 21 Oktober 1957

Edith Evelyn Evans (Blakemore) [Evans] b. 21 November 1892 d. 3 April 1985



25 Mai 1922 Geburt:

Geburt eines Kindes: Ross Frank Ralston [Ralston]

Geburt eines Kindes: Lynne Sue Ralston [Ralston]

Geburt eines Kindes: Carol Ruth Ralston [Ralston]

Geburt eines Kindes: Martha Irene Ralston (Penkhus) [Ralston]

Geburt eines Kindes: Richard Stanley Ralston [Ralston]

4 März 1945 Hochzeit: Lloyd Stanley Ralston [Ralston] b. 13 Oktober 1914

3 April 1985 Wohnort : East Grand Forks (Minnesota), USA.


  1. Edith Blakemore 1892-1985. - Streator Times Press. 3 April 1985. Streator, LaSalle County, Illinois, USA.
  2. History of the Blakemore Family. - Descendants of George Blakemore 1858-1924. Emily Elizabeth (Blakemore) Sass-Dragoo. October 1972. Held by Jeremy John Biros.

Von Großeltern zu Enkelkinder

George Blakemore
Geburt: 28 April 1858, Newent, Gloucestershire, England
Christliche Taufe: 30 Mai 1858, Newent, Gloucestershire, England
Hochzeit: Emily Louise Hale (Blakemore)
Tod: 18 September 1924
Mitchell Hale
Geburt: Nottingham (England)
Tod: 10 Mai 1892, Roslyn (Washington), At 1:45 p.m. on Tuesday, May 10, 1892, an explosion and fire kill 45 miners in the Northern Pacific Coal Company’s No. 1 mine at Roslyn, located in the eastern foothills of the Cascade Mountains in Central Washington. It will prove to be the worst coalm
Emily Louise Hale (Blakemore)
Geburt: 22 Februar 1862
Hochzeit: George Blakemore
Tod: 3 Dezember 1937
Gomer Evans
Geburt: <21 November 1892
Hochzeit: Anna Morgan (Evans)
Anna Morgan (Evans)
Hochzeit: Gomer Evans
Geburt: <21 November 1892
Thomas Mitchell Blakemore
Geburt: 25 Mai 1885
Hochzeit: Sophia "Sophie" Hitter (Blakemore)
Wohnort : 27 April 1913, Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA, 1102 East Livingston Street, Lived with wife Sophia Hitter (Blakemore).
Tod: 13 Februar 1932
Jesse "Jess" Blakemore
Geburt: 3 Januar 1883, Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA
Beruf : Yardmaster for Santa Fe Railway for many years.
Hochzeit: Fannie Mildred Myer (Blakemore)
Hochzeit: Finette "Nettie" Morgan (Blakemore)
Tod: 8 April 1958, Ottawa (Illinois), LaSalle County (Illinois), USA., 4:20PM. After illness of 6 months duration.
Bestattung: 11 April 1958, Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA, Hagi Funeral Home, 4:00PM Visitation held.
Bestattung: 12 April 1958, Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA, Hagi Funeral Home, 2:00PM Funeral services held. Officiated by Rev. Wilbur Fogg of Christ Episcopal Church.
Bestattung: 12 April 1958, Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA, Riverview Cemetery
George Edward Blakemore
Geburt: 25 Dezember 1906, Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA.
Tod: 10 März 1912, Ottawa (Illinois), LaSalle County (Illinois), USA., 5:00AM of cystitis of 8 months duration.
Bestattung: 14 März 1912, Ottawa (Illinois), LaSalle County (Illinois), USA., 10:00AM.
Myrtle Blakemore (Kollar)
Geburt: 11 Dezember 1888
Wohnort : 8 April 1958, Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA
Hochzeit: Edward Joseph Kollar Sr.
Tod: April 1974
Wohnort : April 1974, Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA
Lillian Victoria Blakemore (Ott)
Geburt: 15 März 1899
Wohnort : 8 April 1958, Morgan Park (Illinois), Illinois, USA.
Hochzeit: Реймон Бельц Отт
Tod: 22 April 1966
Emily Blakemore
Geburt: 29 Februar 1884
Tod: 21 März 1884, Infant.
Frank Blakemore
Geburt: 8 September 1895
Hochzeit: Edith Evelyn Evans (Blakemore) , Ottawa (Illinois), LaSalle County (Illinois), USA.
Tod: 21 Oktober 1957
Travor Evans
Geburt: <3 April 1985
Tod: <3 April 1985
Edith Evelyn Evans (Blakemore)
Geburt: 21 November 1892, Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA
Wohnort : Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA, Resident most of her life.
Religion : Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA, Member of Primitive Methodist Church.
Anderes Ereignis: Member of Royal Neighbors of America.
Wohnort : 21 November 1892, Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA, Heritage Manor Nursing Home
Hochzeit: Frank Blakemore , Ottawa (Illinois), LaSalle County (Illinois), USA.
Tod: 3 April 1985, Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA, St. Mary's Hospital, 5:10AM.
Bestattung: 5 April 1985, Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA, Elias Funeral Home, 5:00PM to 8:00PM Visitation held.
Bestattung: 6 April 1985, Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA, Elias Funeral Home, 2:00PM Funeral services held.
Bestattung: 6 April 1985, Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA, Riverview Cemetery
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Richard Hale Blakemore
Geburt: 30 August 1919
Hochzeit: Marion Susan Baxendale (Blakemore)
Wohnort : 3 April 1985, Streator, LaSalle County (Illinois), USA
Charlotte Louise Blakemore (Hamilton)
Geburt: 25 Mai 1918
Hochzeit: George Robert "Robert" Hamilton
Wohnort : 3 April 1985, Englewood (Colorado), USA.
Edith Janette "Jeanne" Blakemore (Lankford)
Geburt: 28 Mai 1924
Hochzeit: William James Lankford
Wohnort : 3 April 1985, Dover (Delaware), USA.
Lloyd Stanley Ralston
Geburt: 13 Oktober 1914
Hochzeit: Lillian Ruth Blakemore (Ralston)
Wohnort : 3 April 1985, East Grand Forks (Minnesota)
Lillian Ruth Blakemore (Ralston)
Geburt: 25 Mai 1922
Hochzeit: Lloyd Stanley Ralston
Wohnort : 3 April 1985, East Grand Forks (Minnesota), USA.
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